We are still in need of volunteers to complete prep work between now and the end of year. We have added a slot for at-home prep work if you'd like to cut items at home. It is listed for 4/9, but you can ignore the date. If you would like to help either in person, or at home, please sign up HERE.  

The students will be learning about community helpers during their last history unit. If you are a community helper and would like to present to the grade level (all 3 classes at once), please sign up HERE

Spirit week will be the week of May 13. The dress up days include:  Wacky Day, Sports Day, Pajama Day, BBQ Dad Vs Soccer Mom & Extreme Patriot's Day.

We will have an end of year party on May 30. Students can wear pajamas on this day and do not need to bring anything (except a water bottle) to school. No backpacks, BEE binders, food, etc. We will provide breakfast, snacks, and lunch, along with drinks. If you would like to donate an item for the day, HERE is the sign up. 

Kindergarten promotion is scheduled for May 31, at 8:45. 5 tickets per family, along with a promotion invitation, were distributed at the Spring Showcase. EVERYONE who attends promotion (besides kindergarten students) will need a ticket. This includes children who will not take a seat, and TPS siblings. If you would like to use one of your tickets on a TPS sibling, please fill out THIS sibling form. If you have any extra tickets that you will not be using, please let me know. 

Promotion attire- students may wear normal or assembly attire, or dress clothes for promotion. We will provide a cap and gown for the ceremony. Students may not wear any additional stoles, leis, etc. during the ceremony. Those items can be worn after the ceremony for pictures. If you have any questions about attire, please let me know.